Internationalization Commission

Internationalization Commission Members

  • Prof. Dr. Metin Bal (Chair)
  • Prof. Dr. Özlem Duva Kaya
  • Res. Asst. Ali Can Tural (Vice Chair)

Internal Stakeholders

  • Batuhan Türk, (Undergraduate Student)
  • Gül Çiçek, (Undergraduate Student)

Internationalization Commission Duties

  • Increasing the relations of department students and faculty members with the international philosophy community by inviting academics from philosophy departments of foreign universities to events organized by the department
  • Organizing meetings related to the orientation and integration of foreign students into the department, documenting these meetings, and keeping records
  • Managing, developing, and monitoring the Erasmus and Mevlana programs in coordination with the relevant coordinatorships and commissions of the university, dean’s office, and department, documenting the meetings held on the subject
  • Preparing Pukö cycles related to internationalization
  • Reviewing individual Pukö cycles related to internationalization
  • Recording and archiving all meetings held regarding the commission’s duties and providing them to the archiving coordinator